Climate-neutral Internet hosting
If, like most of our customers, you order via the Internet, we have also ensuredCO2 neutrality there. Our provider operates our 24-hour Internet serverCO2-neutrally using 100% renewable energy.
Electricity from renewable sources
We at Whisky.de also have the ambitious goal of 100%CO2 neutrality and thus the conservation of resources in mind. We have already travelled more than half the way with you. Nevertheless, there is still a lot to do. In 2009, for example, we switched our entire electricity supply to electricity from renewable sources. We'll stay on the ball - we promise!

Conserving resources at Whisky.de
GOGREEN from DHL, FSC and certifications
Every time we use energy from the power socket, we put a strain on the environment.
Environmental protection and energy saving must be independent of the currentCO2 self-refuelling and is one of the duties of every company.CO2 is a good measure of energy consumption. If you saveCO2, you also save energy.
Mail order - as Whisky.de does - is a highly efficient process. Full lorries consume significantly lessCO2-generating fuel per whisky parcel than small delivery vans or private cars. Instead of distributing goods to even more sales outlets with many delivery journeys and collecting them home from there with even more empty cars, the mail order business makes a large proportion of these journeys superfluous and thus helps to conserve resources. Instead of lighting and heating salesrooms all over Germany, our office only consumes as much natural gas as a normal detached house. Nevertheless, the delivery of goods and the dispatch of our catalogue generatesCO2, which we offset for you via GOGREEN from Deutsche Post at no extra charge. Our parcels have been 'green' since April 2008.
A mail order company like us not only sends goods, but also catalogues. On the one hand in large quantities at the time of new publication. But also regularly in small quantities throughout the year. We are happy to send all our catalogues and all other advertising mailings via GOGREEN. You can recognise this by the GOGREEN logo printed on our envelopes.
Forest Stewardship Council certification
However, more is needed to make a catalogue really green. Paper - like firewood - is naturallyCO2-neutral because it is a renewable raw material. Paper is made from wood chips, a waste product of wood processing, and from renewable trees. In principle, this makes paper aCO2-neutral information carrier. But if you overexploit the world's forests, nothing will grow back. Our catalogue printer has therefore been certified by the FSC(Forest Stewardship Council) for the use of paper from environmentally and socially responsible forest management.