Cotswolds Dry Gin
Lavender is harvested from the neighbouring Snowshill for the Cotswolds Dry Gin. The citrus notes are from the freshly peeled (and not dried) limes and grapefruits, so significantly more essential oils are in the peels. Cardamon seeds and black peppercorns are creating a light spicy kick. All on the basis of juniper berries. coriander seeds and angelica root for a classic character of a Dry Gin.
Lavender is harvested from the neighbouring Snowshill for the Cotswolds Dry Gin. The citrus notes are from the freshly peeled (and not dried) limes and grapefruits, so significantly more essential oils are in the peels. Cardamon seeds and black peppercorns are creating a light spicy kick. All on the basis of juniper berries. coriander seeds and angelica root for a classic character of a Dry Gin.
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