Yama 25 Question

  • chungwng
    Topic creator
    Joined: 08.03.2016Posts: 1Ratings: 0

    Questions about the Yamazaki 25 -

    I've seen bottles with numbers on them and other bottles without.

    Ones with numbers come with a case that opens up like a book.
    Ones without numbers come with a sliding case.

    What is the difference.

  • horst_s_2 Administrator horst_s_2 Joined: 01.07.2014Posts: 507Ratings: 661

    Sorry, I can't tell you anything about this particular case.

    Typically companies start with numberings or distillation and bottling dates in the first series of a special bottle. When this bottle is a success, they try to increase the number of bottles by bottling more casks. BUT! It becomes more and more difficult to find whiskies with the given data of the first bottling.

    And therefore this data typically vanishes from the bottle with successing bottlings.

    The second reason is a special kind of inflation. If you bottle more and more of a special release, then the older bottles become inflated. That means the collectors price is going down. Therefore you change the appearance and the numbering scheme.

    I can't tell you, if this is also the case with the Yama25, but this would be an explanation.

    Kind regards, Horst Luening, Master Taster, Whisky.com
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