New Zealand Thomson Progress Report

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Single Malt Whisky
0.7 l
Original bottling
Chill filtration - Without Artifical colouring - Without

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3.0 Rate
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18. Nov 2020
I met Mathew Thomson in 2019 and was intrigued by his innovative mindset and dedication to create an authentic New Zealand whisky. Manuka wood smoke is both singular and hard to describe, but it works. On the nose, heather honey, bay leaf and incense sticks mix with lime, rubber and distant campfire notes. Herbal-fresh and effervescent, the taste develops with menthol, grapefruit and well-integrated smoke. Licorice, peppermint tea and a touch of quality oak linger in the savory finish. This malt does not imitate Scotch, and that's refreshing to see!
RATING: 3.7/5.0 ≙ 85 pts