Michter's US*1 Unblended American Whiskey
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17. Dec 2019
Vanilla caramel, cloves, slight burnt rubber note.
Sweet arrival, remains sweet throughout. Dark caramel (like in creme caramel), plenty of wood spice. Cloves
Begins with a spicy hit. Length is medium to short. nothing particularly interesting. More dark caramel.
Comment: This is what I'd say I'd call a decent basic all rounder bourbon. It's completely dominated throughout by the flavours of vanilla and burnt sugar. There's that weird waft of burning rubber in the nose that I could do without. The only thing I'd really hold against it is that it's a bit plain Jane. Not sure I'd spend £50+ on it in the UK though.
Vanilla caramel, cloves, slight burnt rubber note.
Sweet arrival, remains sweet throughout. Dark caramel (like in creme caramel), plenty of wood spice. Cloves
Begins with a spicy hit. Length is medium to short. nothing particularly interesting. More dark caramel.
Comment: This is what I'd say I'd call a decent basic all rounder bourbon. It's completely dominated throughout by the flavours of vanilla and burnt sugar. There's that weird waft of burning rubber in the nose that I could do without. The only thing I'd really hold against it is that it's a bit plain Jane. Not sure I'd spend £50+ on it in the UK though.