Changing Username?

  • Aaron_Tan
    Topic creator
    Member Aaron_Tan
    Joined: 26.04.2017Posts: 1CollectionNeed more bottles!Ratings: 0

    I used FB Connect to sign up, and its just automatically grabbed my name for the username..Is there a way to update it?


  • horst_s_2 Administrator horst_s_2 Joined: 01.07.2014Posts: 507Ratings: 661


    That's a problem. If we change your name, then you won't be able to connect with your FB account any longer.

    Please register for new and abandon this account.

    Kind regards, Horst Luening, Master Taster,
  • Niky Member Joined: 09.02.2018Posts: 1Ratings: 0

    Aaron_Tan said:

    I used FB Connect to sign up, and its just automatically grabbed my name for the username..Is there a way to update it?


    Thanks for sharing

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