My Scotch Awakening

  • GhengisConrad
    Topic creator
    Member GhengisConrad
    Joined: 16.02.2021Posts: 1Ratings: 0

    Hey guys, thanks for having me. Been a while since I joined a forum, but I have fallen in love!

    I was your typical vodka/'whiskey' abuser through college, and thought that I hated whisky. In my mid twenties, I discovered calories, and started drinking EverClear 1 tbs and diet soda. All 'flavor', no extra calories! Seemed the 'logical' drink when watching my wasteline; and cheap too! For better or worse that was my drink of choice for the better part of a decade.

    Then something amazing happened. I was given a gift by a client of mine (typically in my profession goes the other way, was surprised). The bottle said 'whiskey'; and thought to myself "ugh, I hate whisky, makes me sick"; but not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I said to myself I would 'force' myself drink it.

    The $100 bottle of Distiller's Edition Oban blew my mind. Such an amazing collection of tastes and sensations! I never knew! I had had friends who were 'wine' snobs and talked about how great wine was; tried to get me to drink it. Just a fancy expensive way to add sugar to your drink I thought to myself. But this. THIS. This Scotch thing..... Yeah. Now I'm hooked.

    Before I knew what had happened that bottle was gone and I wanted more. That was maybe a month ago. What an amazing and exciting world of flavor this is!

  • cogboy Member Joined: 27.02.2021Posts: 5Ratings: 0

    @GhengisConrad , you will love your Scotch journey, so many to try and explore!

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